Saturday, August 17, 2013

Mac and Cheese

I can't explain why I am cooking so much lately. I guess it's because it is something to do?

In any case, I've been cooking a lot. I am finding recipes, hard and easy, on the internet. Some of my favorite sites are Joy the Baker, She Wears Many Hats, My Colombian Recipes, Our Kitchen, and a very funny cooking web site called Nert, cooking with comedy. I feature a couple of recipes from a few of these web sites. Check them out, just scroll down and leave a comment!

So last night I made mac and cheese. It was made with bacon, chicken and it came out delicious.
I even made a flan that I will feature on my next post.

I made a lasagna for my sons football team tailgate Thursday event and it seemed to go over very well.

I am not very good at taking pictures of my finished cooking projects but I am trying to get better.

Most cooking blogs are heavy on the pictures and for good reason. An attractive dish will be more apt to be tried. So I promise to be more productive with the picture portion of my blog.

Tomorrow I am going to make another attempt at making flan so stay tuned. This time I promise to have lots of pictures.

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